baa ram ewe Blog

Behind the scenes on a baa ram ewe photoshoot

Written by Katherine | 14-Mar-2018 14:57:13

If you’ve ever wondered what happens behind the scenes on a baa ram ewe photoshoot then here is the blog for you. The finished polished images we use to show you our wonderful designs are brought to you by a team of inhouse baa ram ewe professionals. Along with being a knitwear model I am also on hand to help with styling and location finding. After a fair bit of experience I now feel ready to share the wisdom I’ve gained with you all.

The weather can be unpredictable


The bonus of taking photos outside is great light and beautiful Yorkshire scenery for a backdrop, the downside can be the weather making it difficult, whether it’s wind or rain getting in the way we’ve had it all. If you look closely you can see the rain shooting down and the raindrops on the Ribblehead cardigan and my jeans!

Carry as little kit as possible

We are a super small team which means we do plenty of multitasking, from the modelling, to the styling and photography, to carrying everything we need on the shoot.

Getting rid of wrinkles and creases is very important


This is probably the top job after model and photographer, and super important to make sure the images we take show you just how beautiful the things we’re photographing are. A crinkly wrinkled up jumper ain’t gonna make you want to knit it for yourself.

Silly faces will occur at some point


If you do your own knitwear photoshoot make sure you have lots of fun while doing it. We love seeing your finished projects so make sure you tag us on instagram, twitter, ravelry and facebook @baarameweknits #baarameweknits so we can see them too. Happy modelling!

And when the photoshoot is complete you can run off into the sunset happy with your photo success!