baa ram ewe Blog

Styling Your Knitwear ... Top Tips

Written by Katherine | 12-Jan-2018 18:00:00

My life as a knitwear model has bought me world wide fame; I am constantly finding pictures of myself in random corners of the internet, or recognised by members of the general knitting public, (usually in the shop while stood next to patterns with my own face on strangely enough.)

If you’ve ever wondered how to achieve such stunning knitwear photography results, well then my limited experience in the matter can surely only help.

Top Tip number 1 - The Knitwear modelling ‘Face’
It’s rare to see a smile in amongst all the knitwear wearing due to the high levels of concentration going into wearing that jumper or shawl just right. My top tip to achieve the right level of relaxed and dreamy without appearing vacant is to think about what you’ll be having for your dinner later on that day. Here I’m thinking of a jacket potato with beans and cheese. 

Graeme likes to think of Turkish Delight to get his knitwear face just right. 

Claire thinks of an emotion, so thinks of foods that make her feel a certain way to achieve the perfect results.

Top Tip number 2 - The Sock Pose

This is the go to sock pose to perfectly show off all aspects of the socks in one photo. 
Can I bend my feet while wearing them? Why yes!
Can I stand on my toes while showing the inseam of my other sock? Why yes!
If you have never tried standing like this in real life you’ll also feel like a wannabe ballerina (and realise just how unnatural this pose is!) 


Top Tip number 3 - The Mitts with a Mug Pose

Again, the fail safe solution of what to do with your hands while modelling mitts is to hold a mug! Plus you get the extra added bonus of enjoying a brew mid-photoshoot. Other alternatives are available such as a tea cup and saucer, or a glass, but nothing quite says knitwear like holding a mug.          

Now you too can achieve the knitwear photos of your dreams.